Архив рубрики «Read Stories»

The short story. Lovely old men

The short story shakes to the bottom of the heart. Lovely old men.


The short story... Earlier morning … on March 8. The alarm clock rang out, and without having been in time at all, properly to begin the song, stopped under the pressure of my finger. Almost in the dark I put on, having silently covered an entrance door, I went to a market. Slightly began to dawn. I wouldn't tell that weather was spring. The ice wind aimed to get under a jacket. Having lifted a collar and having lowered in it as it is possible below the head, I came nearer to a market.

I in a week before solved, what roses, only spring flowers … a holiday spring. I approached to a market. Before an entrance, there was a huge basket with very beautiful spring flowers. Прочитать остальную часть записи »

Russian touching stories to read. Call to darling

Russian touching stories to read. Call to darling.

Stories to read.

Russian stories to readPhone call. 2 o'clock in the morning.
— Hi. I love you.
— Hello (smiles).
— How you there without me? Sorry, that so late...
— Yes, anything. Leshka, I so missed when you already will arrive?
— The sun, remained absolutely slightly, any a couple of hours and I houses. Let's talk, and that I at a wheel 10 hours, I am tired, forces aren't present, and so your voice invigorates me and gives forces.
— Certainly, let's talk. Give tell me, than your business trip ended? Changed to me, probably (smiles)?
— Lyubanya as you can joke so, I so love you that at all I don't look at anybody. And on work I managed to make very much much. It is sure that after all this to me, at least, will raise wages. Here. And how you feel? Our kid is pushed? Прочитать остальную часть записи »

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